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Dettagli Utente LeluMurelu
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Anno : < Assente >
Sesso : Maschio
Data di Nascita : //
Film Preferito : Il favoloso mondo di Amèlie
Canzone/Artista Preferito/a : NoFX - TUTTE!!!!!!
Comune : Borgo San Dalmazzo
Nome : < Assente >
Descrizione : Where are all these stupid people from and how did they get to be so dumb bred on purple mountain range feed amber waves of grains to lesser human beings, zero feelings blame it on human nature, man’s destiny blame it on the greediocracy the fear of god, the fear of change, fear of truth add the bill of rights subtract the wrongs memorize and sing star spangled songs there's no answers when the questions aren't ever asked is anybody learning from the past were living in united stagnation father what have i done i took that 22 a gift for me from you to bed with me each night , kept it clean polished it well cherished every cartridge every shell down by the creek under brush under dirt theres a carcass of my second kill down at the park under stone under pine there's the carcass of my brother william brother where have you gone to i swear i never thought i could see so many times they told me to shoot straight, don’t pull the trigger squeeze, that will insure a kill, a kill is what you want to kill is why we breed the christians love their guns the church and nra pray for their salvation, prey on the lower faiths the story book’s been read and every line believed the curriculum’s been set logic is a threat reason searched e seized jerry spent some time in michigan a 20 year vacation after all he had a dime a dime is worth a lot more in detroit a dime in california just a 20 dollar fine jerry only stayed a couple months it’s hard to enjoy yourself while bleeding out the ass asphyxiation is simple and fast it beats 17 fun years of being someone's bitch don’t think drink your wine watch the fire burn his problems not mine just be that model citizen i wish i had a schilling for every senseless killing i’d buy a government. america’s for sale and you can get a good deal on it and make a healthy profit, or maybe tear it apart you start with assumption, that a million people are smarter, smarter than 1 serotonins gone she gave up drifted away sara fled thought process gone she left her answering machine on the greeting left spoken sincere messages no one will ever hear 10,000 messages a day a million more transmissions lay dead victims of the laissez faire 10.000 voices 100 guns, 100 decibels turns to one, one bullet one empty head now with serotonin gone the man that used to speak performs a cute routine. feel a little patronized. don’t feel bad. they found a way inside your head. and you feel a bit misled. it’s not that they don’t care. the televisions put a thought inside your head like a barry manilow jingle i’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony a symphonic blank stare. it doesn’t make you care. not designed to make you care. they’re betting you won’t care. they’ll place a wager on your greed. a wager on your pride why try to beat them when a million others tried we are the whores intellectually sprayed we are the queer dysfunctionally raised one more pill to kill the pain, one more pill to kill the pain one more pill to kill the pain, living through conformity one more prayer should keep us safe, one more prayer to keep us safe one more prayer to keep us safe there’s gonna be a better place lost the battle lost the war lost the things worth living for lost the will to win the fight one more pill to kill the pain the going gets tough the tough get debt don’t pay attention pay the rent our next of kins pay for your sins a little faith should keep us safe save us the human existence is failing. resistance essential. the future written off. the odds are astronomically against us only moron and genius would fight a losing battle against the super ego when giving in is so damn comforting and so we go on with our lives we know the truth but prefer lies lies are simple. simple is bliss. why go against tradition when we can admit defeat. live in decline. be the victim of our own design with status quo built on suspect. why would anyone stick out their neck fellow members of club we’ve got ours, i’d like to introduce you to our host he’s got his and i’ve got mine, meet the decline...! Ammiro chi sa cos'è!



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2003-02-18 00:00:00
Ma non mi puoi mettere tutta la canzone dei Noeffeks che dura 20 minuti..

2003-05-05 00:00:00

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